

Despite our stay in Kanazawa being three nights, time seemed to have other plans. Before I knew it, all our time was up and we were off to Tokyo. I guess that kind of sums up Kanazawa though, a place that runs on its own schedule!

Strangely enough, I think I was one of the few, if not the one of the group that enjoyed our stay in Kanazawa. Even though there were times it felt like everywhere was closed and the population of Kanazawa were playing a big game of hide and seek, us being the seekers, I enjoyed the quiet. To me it was a place of simple surprises.

Let me elaborate on these simple surprises. In all of the places, Kanazawa was where we would stumble upon a cozy, little cafe that was owned by a polite American man. We went on to have breakfast at this cafe every morning of our short stay in Kanazawa and every morning I would order the same. Peanut butter, banana and honey on toast. A reminder of home. As we got up to leave on the first morning we spent at the cafe, the American said that we were welcome to take any of the books we wanted from his bookshelf. Running my fingers along their spinal cord I felt each and everyone, till I stopped. There, on a shelf in a small cafe, owned by a polite American man, in Kanazawa was a Mitch Albom book. I looked at it for a moment but did not hesitate, it was waiting for me to pull it from its place. What an odd world I thought to myself.

A quick context to why the book stood out to me personally. At the end of last year I had been given a book called Tuesdays with Morrie. The book was by Mitch Albom and I loved it. Early this year I found another book of his and read that one too. So when this book stood in front of me on the shelf, in the most unlikely of places, it was a simple, but welcome surprise.

Which leads me nicely onto the next simple surprise. On our last night, my friend and I where looking for a place to have dinner and just around the corner from our accommodation we found a Sri Lankan restaurant. As I sit here typing, the person who gave me that first Mitch Albom book is currently in Sri Lanka. What an odd world I thought again! Two minutes walk and my friend and I were feasting. After there was no more food left to eat, we stumbled upon a small, homely bar that had the best swing music playing! Kanazawa, a place of simple, secret, surprises.

If there is still some time, I should also like to mention that we did enjoy a lovely walk around the Kenrokuen Gardens as well as the 21st century museum of contemporary art. As we walked through the gardens, the sun was out and we were surrounded by nature. It was so calming. Then there was the museum. It was such a unique place, it felt like one giant exhibition. Definitely gave me a different perspective of art and broadened my appreciation for it.

Other than that, the slow paced, quiet and relaxed days rolled into one. Before I knew it my time in Kanazawa was all but up. Remember to be kind to one another, the world will be a better place for it. I hope you are well, thank you for reading.

Till next time.




Kyoto / Nara

Kyoto / Nara