Under a Pastel Sky

Under a Pastel Sky

Full of Life. I think that is how I would describe Sri Lanka to people if I had only a few words to do so. It was a place I had always wanted to go yet never quite made it. But like the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, it was something certain, I was always going to end up there. Three weeks I explored and what I found was Life. Life in the form of kind strangers, spicy food, rich culture, left hand breaks, and pastel skies.

I made my way down and along the south coast jumping from one place to the next. From Colombo to Galle Fort, Unawatuna to Marissa, Madiha to Hiriketiya. Each place had something different to offer, but the constant was the feeling that I was apart of something. Everywhere I went, people were kind and smiling. Food was always generous and delicious. All one under a golden sun.

The water had a strong hold on me and it was hard to turn away from salty air, but whispers from the mountains drew me inland. Five hours can feel like one when deep in conversation with good company. Before I knew it I found myself in Ella, surrounded by a completely different landscape. Green hilly countryside, waterfalls and arches made of stone. Again I was surprised at the generosity of the local people. To the lovely family, in who’s house I stayed, thank you. Thank you for sharing your Life.

We left during light on a blue train. Travelled through an undulating land covered in tea plantations. Played UNO with a lovely family, then arrived at night. Sleep but not for long, we had a meeting with the sun up in the clouds. Rising before the dogs had woken, climbing and climbing some more. For hours, one step at a time. We had made it, tired, cold, and waiting for our meeting. There, across the land that we saw from above, the sun revealed itself to us. Hello, and thank you. Thank you for the moment that will last with me forever. Life, found atop the summit of Adams Peak

To all the people I met along the way, thank you. To Sri Lanka, thank you. It has been many months since this trip and I still feel the warmth of your sun, the taste of your spices, the rush of the best left hand point break, and the kindness of smiles and memories that will stay with me forever.

I have been putting off this blog post for to long, unsure what to write and whether my images would do justice to this beautiful place. But I think going through Life we develop understanding and clarity. For me this came in the form of jumping into a job for a reason I couldn’t explain. Ultimately coming to the realisation that my passion has always been in photography and writing. There are no wrong decision, only ones that take you from one place to the next. I found the urge once more. I am back again and not going anywhere.

Thank you again for reading and taking the time to see some of my adventures. I hope you are well, wherever you are in the world. Remember to alway be kind to one another, the world will be a better place for it. I look forward to our next conversation.

Till next time,


