

Tokyo was contrast. It was fast and slow, cold and warm, everything I expected and yet completely different. On our first evening we went Go-Karting through the streets. It was highly sketchy but at the same time the most fun I have had so far! My fingers and toes literally felt like they would be taken by the cold, but it was still such a good time and an amazing way to see the city by night.

I ended up enjoying my time in Tokyo much more than I first thought I would. After our evening Go-Karting we spent our next few days just walking around and exploring. Despite the fact that there were so many people and moving parts our time in Tokyo still managed to feel relaxed. Contrast. From busy streets to peaceful gardens, noisy subways to quiet cafes. Tokyo was contrast.

A worthy mention: one of my favourite places in Tokyo was a prefecture called Harajuku. Primarily a shopping district that was full of small diverse stores, it felt very much like Fitzroy Melbourne. We spent a day roaming around and perusing windows.

We also went and explored teamLab borderless light museum. It was quite unreal, but I think I went into it with very high expectations. It felt like there could or should have been a little more to it. Regardless of this, it was still very interesting and we ended up spending almost four hours in there! It was light, it was dark and it was contrast. Tokyo was a place I thought I would not enjoy, but in the highlights and in the shadows was something special.

Thank you again for reading and taking the time to see some of my adventures. I hope you are well, wherever you are in the world. I look forward to our next conversation.

Till next time,




